Original Photon — with upgrades!

Handmade in fine detail at WindFire Designs

Tim Elverston and Ruth Whiting Photon Kite windfire designs

Completely Original — Totally upgraded


Beautiful, easy to fly, highly original design.

Designed by Tim Elverston in 2000, it's the same as we used to make — Except this time it's vastly improved. It now breaks down and rolls up like a normal kite. It has all stainless steel fittings that are handmade in our studio.

Each one is handpainted by Ruth Whiting.

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Elegant, beautiful, faithful to the wind.

The original Photon is a peaceful and easy kite to fly. It is very responsive to line input. This size is not optimized for flying as a fighter kite, but it is an extremely controlable single line kite. When flown by hand, it's fun for hours. When tied off, it's up there.

The opposed-bow frame lacks both a spine and a spreader. Instead the spars float against each other and accomplish better tension than a conventional frame can.

Painted with multiple layers of archival paints in outdoor lighting for stunning details and colors — They are equally at-home on a wall as art as they are in the sky.

Hand-tuned and assembled. Each one is slowly and precisely made into a beautiful kite.

With a very wide windrange, from very light to medium winds, flying Photons is super reliable, peaceful, fun, and gorgeous.

The newest feature — fully packable

Captive connections mean quick and obvious relationships in the structure. Assembly just means following the lines. They are carefully tied to automatically un-twist as the kite opens up.

Ruth Whiting holds a painted Photon kite showing how the ferrules work on the carbon rods in her studio. Kite design by Tim Elverston
Ruth Whiting holds a painted Photon kite that is half folded up a in her studio. Kite design by Tim Elverston

Shown here in the Photon's classic half-packed state. This is great for quickly tucking into camp.

Ruth holding one of her gorgeous custom hand-painted custom Photon Kites all rolled up.

Ruth Whiting holds a painted Photon kite that is rolled up and disassembled in her studio. Kite design by Tim Elverston

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