Buy Otto Winders and E–Winders

Stainless steel line winders — Finely tuned figures of eight

Otto Winder and E Winder - kite string winders by WindFire Designs
Otto Winder by WindFire Designs

WindFire Designs Otto Winders are forged by hand here in our shop. The stainless steel they are made from is also produced in the USA.

Available ready to wind your existing line, or pre-wound with premium braided Spectra line made in the USA.

Otto Winders

Otto Winder
$24.95 each

Otto Winder ready to wind kite string

Otto Winder
with 300 feet of premium 90# Spectra line
$49.30 each


Otto Winder with 300 feet of 90 pound test braided spectra line

Otto Winder
with 300 feet of premium 200# Spectra line
$88.65 each


Otto Winder with 300 feet of 200 pound test braided spectra line


E-Winder for kite line figure eight stainless steel line manager



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